Celebrating All Graduation Success Stories: OpEd Featured on Mosaic

We are thrilled to share that Julie Mower, Executive Director of The Phoenix Center, has been featured on Mosaic with a compelling OpEd highlighting the importance of celebrating diverse graduation success stories, especially those of students with autism and multiple disabilities.

In this insightful piece, Julie emphasizes that while traditional graduation milestones often involve college acceptances and lucrative job offers, the journey for many of our students is different but equally significant. She advocates for a broader and more inclusive definition of success that encompasses progress in communication skills, social interactions, daily living tasks, and emotional regulation.

Julie writes, “It’s essential for our community to acknowledge and celebrate these diverse graduation success stories. Whether it’s a student mastering a new skill, making strides in independent living, or simply expressing joy and pride on graduation day, each accomplishment deserves recognition and applause.”

Read the full article on Mosaic to learn more about how we can all support and celebrate the unique journeys of graduates with autism and multiple disabilities: Read the full piece on Mosaic

At The Phoenix Center, we are committed to providing the support and opportunities necessary for our students to thrive. Let’s come together to celebrate the achievements of all graduates and create a more inclusive and compassionate community.